Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Media Round-Up

Developments on DigitURL have been a little slowed as I've just taken 2 weeks for an adventure holiday in Samoa (of all places). One relevant experience I had was in recharging SIM cards for pre-paid credit; in Samoa there is no need to navigate through a voice menu system (as we have in Australia), you just type into your phone [company phone number]#[docket number] and call and you're recharged! The possibilities are endless!

Now that I'm back, work has re-commenced and some users may notice the new 'Pro-tips' feature on DigitURL. These are designed to improve usability as they highlight more memorable 'Short DigitURL' alternatives when a user is employing newly-generated (random sequence) DigitURLs.

Here is a selection of coverage DigitURL has attracted on the web in recent times:

Orient Expression blog
Vermot-Gauchy (French)
ITS News (Russian)
Num te ponhas (Portuguese)
Meiobit (Portuguese)
Ehrensenf (German)
Discussion about DigitURL uses in education:
Cell Phones in Learning
Ongoing (I hope) commentary on numeric web addresses and DigitURL:

Thanks to all authors!


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